Rules for Library

  • A Student shall not engage in audible conversation in any part of the library to the annoyance of any other reader.
  • A student shall not write upon, damage or mark any book belonging to library.
  • All personal belongings such as briefcase, boxes, handbags etc are not allowed to be taken inside the library.
  • No Personal book or book issued from the library shall be allowed to be taken inside the library without the permission of the librarian.
  • The librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership privileges of any member for misbehaving or for indecent manners.


Condition of Loan

  • Each book will be issued for the period of 7 days for students. It is renewable again if not in demand at the discretion of the librarian/Director.
  • The librarian is empowered to recall any book at any time if necessary.
  • Reference, text and other placed in the restricted category are not to be lent to accept in the very cases where the rule may be relax on the sanction of Director.
  • Book lost or damaged will be paid for the replacement to the satisfaction of the librarian.
  • Library tickets to be deposited to the librarian when no dues slip is refunded.
  • No book will be issued without library tickets to the students.
  • The students are requested not to underline and spoil the book.


Overdue Books

Books issued from the library should be returned to the library on or before the due date in case due date happens to be on the holidays, the book will be returned on the succeeding working day.

The reader will require to return the book to the library immediately on the receipt of reminder, if the book is demanded by other reader otherwise the fine of 10/- per day will be charged.


Loss of Library tickets

Loss of library tickets should be reported to the librarian immediately duplicate ticket will be issued on the payment of cost of library tickets i.e. 500/-. The borrower should be held responsible for any lost which the library may suffer to the misuse of loss library tickets.


Restricted Category

Reference Books, Books belonging to rare sections or other special category are being as a restricted category and are meant for consultation within a library premises. However, in special circumstances, there may be issued for a short period at discretion of director/Librarian subject to following:-

  1. There may be issued overnight only the book shall be returned to the library on the following day within an hour of the opening of the library.


Renewal of Books

Books once issued can be renewed if they are not in demand by other readers.


Recall of Books

Books may be recalled the expiry of due date without assigning any reason.


Loss of Books

In case a book is lost, the borrower shall be required to either replace the same edition/latest edition of the book or to pay three times the price mentioned in the accession register plus 50% library charges.

In case of the loss of rare and out of print books the defaulting members shall either replace the books or pay the price of books plus the penalty to be determined by the Director.

The loss of books to theft will be treated as a normal loss and the price will be recovered from the borrower.


Timings for Library

Mon-Fri 9.00am – 6.00pm
Lunch 1.30pm – 2.00pm


Security Deposits Return

This will be refunded after clearance of all library dues.



The library will be closed on all Saturday and Sundays, Government Holidays and any other notified days.